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Autor: Orsat Stražičić
Nakladnik: Redak
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Sukob svjetla i tame u čarobnom svijetu koji nadilazi maštu se nastavlja. Rune Alpha, Omega & Ultima su napokon našle svoje mjesto u svijetu koji služi kao ratište za sile svjetla i tame. Sile tame sve brže i brže asimiliraju planete koje su se formirale nakon velikog praska koji je uslijedio porazom gospodara mistika svjetla. Čini se da sile tame pobjeđuju u sukobu koji se odvija već eonima. Sile tame žele ponovno sastaviti razdvojene djelove svoga velikog svijeta ali nesvjesno time omogučavaju pobjedu ništavila koja je jako blizu. Ako nestane svijetla ili tame ravnoteža će se poremetit i sve nestaje. Ravnoteža ne postoji ako svjetlo i tama nisu u harmoniji. Potomci junaka prošlih priča moraju nastaviti započeto i oduprijeti se silama ništavila čiji je jedini cilj totalno uništenje svega živoga. Saga se nastavlja i s njom i sukob svjetla i tame dok njihov neprijatelj strpljivo čeka pravi moment da napadne i porazi sve ono što čini život…
The conflict of Light and Darkness in the magical world that exceeds imagination continues. The runes of Alpha, Omega and Ultima have found their place in the world that serves as the battleground for the forces of light and darkness. The forces of darkness are assimilating the planets that have formed after the big bang due to the defeat of the leader of the Mystics of light. It seems that the forces of darkness are winning in this conflict that lasts for eons, for they wish to assemble the broken pieces of their vast world. By doing that they are unknowingly ensuring the victory of nothingness. That victory is drawing near, for if either light or darkness disappears the balance will be ruined and everything will vanish. There can be no balance if light and darkness are not in harmony. Descendants of the heroes in the previous stories must continue what those before them have started and fight the forces of nothingness before it destroys everything, for that is the sole goal of the nothingness. The saga continues and the conflict between light and darkness continues as well while the nothingness awaits the right moment to strike…
Bilješka o autoru:
Diplomirao je na dubrovačkom sveučilištu, studij elektrotehnike i komunikacijskih tehnologija u pomorstvu. Kao agnostik život je posvetio tražeći balans u životu što i svjedoče njegove priče i način života. Nikad ne tražeći previše, a uvijek davajući i više od onoga što ima šireći što pozitivniju energiju. Od svoje sedme godine bavi se Karateom te je 2007. godine došao do majstorskog zvanja. Obučavao je mnoge borilačkim vještinama te nastupao na mnoštvu Karate, Jiu-Jitsu te MMA natjecanja i postigao zavidan uspjeh. Radio je kao portir, prodavač i na kraju noćni recepcioner gdje je mogao iskoristiti tišinu noći i dati život svojim pričama. U tom periodu je napisao tri knjige. Naravno i u trenucima nezaposlenosti noć je prigrlio kao vječitu suputnicu svoga stvaralačkog puta te napisao četvrtu i petu knjigu. No ni tu nije kraj njegovom stvaranju. Kako je Korona Kriza uzela maha i izolacija je postala nešto što se ne može izbjeći, utočište je našao u svijetu mašte i napisao svoju jedanaestu knjigu. Tih jedanaest knjiga je podijelio u 4 serijala.
Kao mirna osoba tihog karaktera i bujne mašte, započeo je svoje stvaralaštvo u srednjoj školi kad je napravio svoj prvi fan art strip od 500 stranica za mlađeg brata i kroz dugi period godina napisao mnoštvo priča. Uzor su mu mnogi pisci fantazije kao što su Jules Verne, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Lewis Carroll, J. K. Rowling, Clive Staples Lewis, George R. R. Martin, Andrew Davidson i H. P. Lovecraft. Statirao je u seriji Igra Prijestolja gdje mu je jedan od redatelja serije rekao da ne odustaje od pisanja svojih priča i da završi ono što je započeo. Nikad ništa ne treba ostavljati na pola. Član je udruge Tri Dubrovkinje plus udruga pjesnika i ostalih umjetnosti. Udruzi je cilj promoviranje i poticanje prvenstveno novih, mladih i neafirmiranih umjetnika u kulturi te okupljanje svih vrsta umjetnosti. Velika strast mu je fotografiranje i crtanje te na svojoj umjetničkoj stranici deviantart.com ima prezentirano preko 17 000 fotografija i crteža koje je također koristio kao ilustracije u svojim pričama te njihov broj i dalje raste.
Napisana djela su mu:
˝Legacy of Light and Darkness/Ostavštine Svjetla i Tame˝,
˝The Rise of the Nothingness/Ustanak Ništavila˝,
˝The fall of Creations and the Spiral Doorstep of Sorrow/Pad Kreacija i Spiranli Prag Očaja˝,
˝Dream Story Trilogy/Trilogija Priča o Snu˝,
˝Madness Trilogy/Trilogija Ludila˝,
˝Hidden Stories of the Scribe/Pisarove Skrivene Priče˝,
˝Final Legacy/Konačna Ostavština ˝,
˝Demons Within Us…/Demoni u Nama…˝,
˝Quest of the Exiled Princess/Potraga Prognane Princeze˝,
˝Never-Ending Legacy or the End of Legacy & FREELANDERS/Beskrajna Ostavština ili Kraj Ostavštine &
˝Chaotic Journey of the Darkness Mermaid Pteroysa/Kaotično Putovanje Mračne Sirene˝ i druge kratke priče. . .
te su sve napisane na engleskom jeziku i zajedno sadrže preko pola milijuna riječi. Priče same po sebi naginju ka mračnoj strani i govore puno o životu samog pisca i o njegovom razmišljanju, pogledima na život i događanjima koja su vješto kamuflirana unutar zbivanja samih likova. Priče same po sebi služe kao fiktivna biografija pisca i pokazuju njegov osobni razvoj te naposljetku razvoj kao ljudskog bića.
Orsat Stražičić was born 24.08.1988. in the town of Dubrovnik. He graduated at the University of Dubrovnik in the town of Dubrovnik. He studied electronics and maritime communication technologies. He lived as an agnostic and dedicated his life in finding balance and his stories and his way of life can attest to that. He never asked for much but always gave more than he could and thus spread the positive energy. He practiced Karate since he was seven years old and became a black belt master in 2007. He trained many over the course of time and participated in many martial arts competitions. After finishing school he worked as a bellboy, salesman and in the end as a night receptionist where he could use the silence of the night and give life to his stories. In that period, he wrote three books. In the period of unemployment, again he embraced the night as a loving companion on his creative journey and wrote his fourth and fifth book. But, even that wasn’t the end of his creative journey. Corona Crisis took hold and
the isolation became something that could not be avoided, he found refuge in the world of fantasy and wrote his eleventh book. Those eleven books were later on divided into four serials.
He was always a calm person with colorful imagination, he began his creative work in high school where he made his first fan art comic, which has over 500 pages for his little brother and then in the span of many years wrote many other stories of his own. His inspiration came from writers such as Jules Verne, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Lewis Carroll, J. K. Rowling, Clive Staples Lewis, George R. R. Martin, Andrew Davidson and H. P. Lovecraft. He was an extra in the series Game of Thrones where one of the directors told him not to give up writing and to finish what he has started. He is the member of the organization Tri Dubrovkinje plus udruga pjesnika i ostalih umjetnosti. The goal of the organization is to promote and encourage young artists in all aspects of art. His great passion is photography and drawing and he has presented over 17 000 works on the deviantart.com art page and that number is still on the rise. He also used some of his own works as illustrations for his stories. He wrote thus far these titles:
˝Legacy of Light and Darkness˝,
˝The Rise of the Nothingness˝,
˝The fall of Creations and the Spiral Doorstep of Sorrow˝,
˝Dream Story Trilogy˝,
˝Madness Trilogy˝,
˝Hidden Stories of the Scribe˝,
˝Final Legacy˝,
˝Demons Within Us…˝,
˝Quest of the Exiled Princess˝,
˝Never-Ending Legacy or the End of Legacy & FREELANDERS˝,
˝Chaotic Journey of the Darkness Mermaid Pteroysa˝ and many other short stories…
And they are all in English and together they consist of over half a million words. The stories themselves tend to lean to the dark side and speak a lot about the life of the writer himself and attest to his thoughts and views of the life and happenings in his life. All of that is skillfully camouflaged within the characters themselves as the stories themselves serve as a fictional biography of the writer and show his personal growth as a human being.
Ključne riječi: Conflict, Horror story, Roman, Illustrated novel, Drama, Fantasy story, Quest, Novel,
Screenplay, Adventure, Mistika, Sword & Magic, Experimental literature, Supernatural;
Link: https://www.deviantart.com/orsatursusactos
E-mail: orso7ota@gmail.com
Naslov: Prelude of The Book of (Α)(ʊ)(Ω) Part 2. The Rise of the Nothingness
Autor: Orsat Stražičić
Broj stranica: 358
Nakladnik: REDAK
Godina izdanja: 2023.
ISBN: 978-953-336-914-3
Tisak: digitalni tisak knjiga – print na zahtjev
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