20,00 € (150,69 kn)
21,24 € (160,03 kn)
Autor: Tomislav Skračić
Nakladnik: Redak
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As a Maritime English teacher I noticed there was a need for a topic-based English coursebook that would provide texts and exercises for undergraduate students acquiring competencies related to navigation, nautical tourism, yachts and marina technologies, port management, shipbuilding, shipping companies, shipping and other marine services, fleet and personnel management, environment preservation, and so on.
Participating in international conferences and seminars and discussing this issue with my colleagues and friends from the neighbouring countries, in particular Montenegro and Slovenia, I learned that they too lacked suitable straightforward teaching materials and tools.
The idea for creating this coursebook was encouraged and supported by the University College of Inspection and Personnel Management in Maritime Affairs in Split and the Faculty of Mediterranean Business Studies in Tivat within the Erasmus cooperation between the two institutions.
It is expected that the coursebook will comply not only with the Croatian higher education programs, but also with the Maritime English syllabi designed in Montenegro and Slovenia, the countries that share similar maritime tradition, shipping experience, coastal features, weather patterns and development issues.
My intention is not to teach the students how to become good seamen or businessmen but to improve their language skills, which would make it possible for them to excel in their respective maritime fields. Technical aspects of this coursebook, in this case, mainly serve the purpose of language acquisition.
UNIT 1 – Men and vessels
UNIT 2 – Principal parts of a vessel
UNIT 3 – Sailing pleasure boats
UNIT 4 – Power boats
UNIT 5 – Engines and propulsion
UNIT 6 – Boatbuilding in Croatia
UNIT 7 – Traditional boatbuilding
UNIT 8 – Shipbuilding industry
UNIT 9 – Restructuring of large shipyards
UNIT 10 – Merchant ships
UNIT 11 – Going sailing
UNIT 12 – Navigation instruments
UNIT 13 – Charts and aids to navigation
UNIT 14 – Using compass and charts
UNIT 15 – Finding our position
UNIT 16 – Rules of the road
UNIT 17 – Navigation lights
UNIT 18 – SOLAS, emergencies and communications
UNIT 19 – Personal safety
UNIT 20 – Weather
UNIT 21 – Anchoring and mooring
UNIT 22 – Introducing a marina and its surroundings
UNIT 23 – Portrait of a marina
UNIT 24 – Nautical tourism – Croatia’s competitive product
UNIT 25 – Marina design trends
UNIT 26 – Stressors from marina and boating activities
UNIT 27 – Marine environment conservation
UNIT 28 – Lastovo – heading for sustainable development
UNIT 29 – Split – a portrait of a port
UNIT 30 – Port structures and management
UNIT 31 – Shipping procedure and documentation
UNIT 32 – Structure of a shipping company
UNIT 33 – Marine insurance
List of abbreviations
Practice tests
Practice questions and discussion
Bilješka o autoru:
Mr. sc. Tomislav Skračić je viši predavač pomorskog engleskog jezika na Sveučilištu u Splitu. Diplomirao je engleski i francuski jezik i književnost na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zadru 1987. godine, a magistarski rad obranio 2005. na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Od 2006. radi na Pomorskom fakultetu u Splitu gdje je 2011. izabran u nastavno zvanje višeg predavača. Kao autor ili ko-autor objavio je niz znanstvenih i stručnih radova kao i udžbenik engleskog jezika za studente pomorskih fakulteta (Waypoint, Pomorski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, 2010), Englesko-hrvatski pomorski rječnik (Pomorski fakultet u Splitu, 2017), te znanstvenu monografiju (Trubadur i njegov slušatelj – Lirika trubadura u uvjetima usmene izvedbe, Matica hrvatska, Dubrovnik, 2013). Zanima ga književnost, pisanje proze, glazba, fotografija, ribolov i jedrenje. Oženjen je i ima tri kćerke.
Tomislav Skračić, MA, is a senior lecturer in Maritime English at the University of Split. In 1987 he graduated from Faculty of Arts in Zadar with a BA in English and French language and literature. He earned his master’s degree in comparative literature from Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – University of Zagreb, in 2005. Since 2006 he has worked at Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split where he was appointed senior lecturer in Maritime English in 2011. He is author or co-author of a number of scientific, professional and conference papers, as well as an English textbook for maritime students (Waypoint, University of Split, July 2010), an English-Croatian Maritime Dictionary (Faculty of Maritime Studies, 2017), and a scientific monograph (Troubadours and their listeners – Troubadour lyric poems within oral performance context, Matica hrvatska, Dubrovnik, 2013). He is interested in writing fiction, photography, music, sailing and fishing. He is married and has three daughters.
Ključne riječi: Fairway, Maritime English, coursebook, glossary, practice tests and questions, udžbenik, pomorski engleski, glosar, vježbeLink:
E-mail: Tomislav Skračić
Naslov: FAIRWAY udžbenik 2016_10
Autor: Tomislav Skračić
Broj stranica: 406
Nakladnik: REDAK
Godina izdanja: 2016.
ISBN: 978-953-336-353-0
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