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This book covers mathematical topics relevant to undergraduate studies at maritime higher education institutions. Lessons presented in a conceptual and often visual way are enriched with numerous applications, simulations and exercises and are suitable for use in the classroom and for individual learning.

All materials have been designed by the MareMathics project team for use by both mathematics teachers and students.

MareMathics – Innovative Approach in Mathematical Education for Maritime Students, Grant No. 2019-1-HR01-KA203-061000, is an Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnership project with the aim of supporting the creation and implementation of innovative practices in mathematics education for students of maritime studies across Europe, promoting cooperation of respective institutions, peer learning and exchange of experience among teaching staff.

Project Partners are University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatia; Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Maritime Academy, Estonia; Latvian Maritime Academy, Latvia; Polish Naval Academy, Poland; Toni Milun – Independent Microenterprise, Croatia.

Authors have developed a set of online interactive learning contents that accompany static lessons and can be used for the preparation of lectures, activities in class and self-evaluation that students perform outside of class.

The authors believe that the material contained in the book is suitable for any student with the necessary mathematical skills. It provides enough foundation to bridge the different educational backgrounds and mathematical backgrounds of most students. Also, these materials can be used as an auxiliary tool in other courses at maritime higher education institutions such as electrical engineering, physics, and navigation…

Bilješka o autorima:

Anita Gudelj, PhD, is a full professor at the University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies. She graduated in 1993 from the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences and Educational Areas, University of Split, majoring in mathematics and informatics. In 2000, she defended her master’s thesis at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin, University of Zagreb, and earned her PhD in 2010. She has high expertise in teaching and research project provision, especially in topics related to the development of study programs, curricula, and the development of professions and qualification standards. She served as the academic leader of the MareMathics ERASMUS+ KA2 project.

Tatjana Stanivuk, PhD, is a full professor at the University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies. She obtained her BS in Mathematics from the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad (Serbia), and her diploma as a mathematics professor has been completely validated by the Faculty of Sciences, University of Zagreb, Department of Mathematics in 2001. Additionally, she received her PhD in Mathematics and Statistics in Economy from the University of Split Faculty of Economics in 2012. Throughout her career, she has taught various mathematics courses at the university. She has been teaching different mathematics courses at the faculty. Her scientific interest is focused on operational research and the application of quantitative and numerical methods in modelling, optimization and simulation in the field of technical sciences, particularly transport systems.

Goran Kovačević works as a mathematics lecturer at the University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies. He graduated from the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences and Education in 2000, majoring in mathematics and physics. In 2002, he passed the professional exam for the title of teacher of mathematics and physics. He has co-authored several professional papers on the application of mathematics in maritime affairs.

Marina Laušić works as a mathematics lecturer at the University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies. She earned a BS in Mathematics from the Faculty of Sciences, University of Zagreb, in 2009, and an MA in Mathematics from the University of Split, Faculty of Science in 2012. She has co-authored several professional papers on the application of mathematics in maritime affairs.

Pero Vidan, PhD is a full professor at the University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies. He made his doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb. From 2012 to 2018, he served as the vice dean for science. Since 2018, he has been dean at the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split. He is the author of several scientific articles, a co-author of a university textbook and the author of one scientific chapter. From 2018 to 2022, he was elected as the vice head of the chamber for Waterways at the Croatian Academy of Science and Art.

Contributing authors

Ingrida Veilande, Latvian Maritime Academy, Latvia

Jelena Ligere, Latvian Maritime Academy, Latvia

Agata Załęska-Fornal, D.Sc., Polish Naval Academy, Poland

Krzysztof Topolski, Polish Naval Academy, Poland

Anna Saksa, D.Sc., Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Maritime Academy, Estonia

Julia Tammela, D.Sc., Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Maritime Academy, Estonia

Prof. Inga Zaitseva-Pärnaste, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Maritime Academy, Estonia

Viktor Bolgov, D.Sc., Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Maritime Academy, Estonia

Toni Milun, International School Algebra, Croatia

Naslov: Mathematics Theory, Simulations and Exercises for Maritime Students (tisak u boji)
Autori: Anita Gudelj, Tatjana Stanivuk, Goran Kovačević, Marina Laušić, Pero Vidan
Broj stranica: 728
Nakladnik: Pomorski fakultet u Splitu
Godina izdanja: 2024.
ISBN: 978-953-6655-83-0
Tisak: digitalni tisak knjiga – print na zahtjev

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