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A textbook of the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula in the collection of the Machine Element series of textbooks. The intended purpose is to provide the students of mechanical engineering, naval architecture and electrical engineering with the required literature, and to provide a suitable problem-solving basis for experts in engineering practice.
It is divided into seven chapters which deal with 1. rigid, 2. compensating, 3. flexible, 4. friction, 5. electromagnetic, 6. hydrodynamic and 7. special types of couplings and clutches.
An application of the presented material is supported by detailed descriptions of many designs variants, principles of operation and calculation methods, as well as through 227 figures, 74 tables and calculation examples of flexible couplings and friction clutches.
Bilješka o autoru:
Boris Obsieger, D. Sc., a full professor, first at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Rijeka and then at the Juraj Dobrila University in Pula, where he teaches classes in machine elements, strength, robotics and numerical methods in professional, university and doctoral studies. He gave several notable invited lectures at foreign universities, was president of CADAM international congresses and editor-in-chief of the international journal Advanced Engineering. The author of several textbooks at universities in Rijeka, Pula, Maribor and Moscow, as well as numerous scientific papers.
Ključne riječi: Rigid couplings, compensating couplings, flexible couplings, friction clutches, electromagnetic clutches, hydrodynamic couplings, special types of couplings and clutches
Link: boris.obsieger.org
Naslov: Couplings and Clutches
Autor: Boris Obsieger
Broj stranica: 384
Nakladnik: Vlastita naklada
Godina izdanja: 2020.
ISBN: 978-953-7919-69-6
Tisak: digitalni tisak knjiga – print na zahtjev
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