MY ENCOUNTER WITH GOD, Ljiljana Lili Jurić

MY ENCOUNTER WITH GOD, Ljiljana Lili Jurić

SKU: W-0949


Autor: Ljiljana Lili Jurić

Nakladnik: Redak

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This book speaks of great love towards Jesus and of great exuberance. The basic idea is that to be a Christian means to be like God. That is, to have LOVE towards everyone and everything, except sin. Because the Bible does say that our struggle is not against flesh and blood (that is –man), but against evil spirits who keep man captive.
Meaning, the fight is of a spiritual nature. There is a spiritual world and we are not alone, even though we do not see this spiritual world. When a person becomes spiritually receptive, then it is possible for him or her to feel the presence of the spiritual world, and to see it. The book tells us about the importance of LOVE, not doctrine and how in Heaven there are no borders, up there all are children of God. 

Bilješka o autoru/autorici:

Ljiljana Lili Jurić was born 07/26/1976 in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She lived there until 16, when the war began. She moved with her family in Zagreb. She graduated from the general grammar school in Zagreb and business school Vern (first generation of students), majoring in entrepreneurship and management. She lived and worked in Zagreb until a year ago when, because of life circumstances, she moved to Split, a city by the sea. By the way, she always wanted to live in a city by the sea. At the moment, she is living in Split and that is where she is publishing her first book “My Encounter with God”. This book will have future installments because God is always creating something new.

Ključne riječi: God, Jesus,  testimony, faith. 


Naslov: My encounter with God
Autor: Ljiljana Lili Jurić
Broj stranica: 100
Nakladnik: REDAK
Godina izdanja: 2019 .
ISBN: 978-953-336-618-0
Tisak: digitalni tisak knjiga – print na zahtjev


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