17,00 € (128,09 kn)
9,95 € (74,97 kn)
Autor: Marijan Sivrić - Ivo Šćepanović
Nakladnik: Unos u tijeku
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IMPORTANT! To order this book or to place additional queries, please send us your details at web knjizara
About the Authors:
Marijan Sivric was born in Medjugorje on August 18, 1955. He graduated from the University of Sarajevo and majored in Economics. He spent the last twenty years as a news reporter, writing for the most part on the Medjugorian happenings. He wrote more news articles on Medjugorje than any other journalist. He mainly used to write for the Croatian newspaper “Slobodna Dalmacija”, but also for various other newspapers.
Ivo Scepanovic is a reporter for the Central European News agency. He was born on July 9, 1968 on the island of Hvar, in Croatia. For a number of years he worked as a journalist for the Slobodna Dalmacija newspaper. Later, he published articles for some of the leading world newspapers like The London Times and The Telegraph, as well as newspapers and magazines from all the continents.
The long time prepared book puts together all the relevant happenings in Medjugorje in last three decades. Everything has been packed in one book composed as a document of a time. It brings factography, makes you thinking, discovers what did visionaries say about Heaven, Purgatory and Hell… It warns the humankind, but also calls for peace…
The book quotes the Medjugorje visionaries:
”Heaven is a indefinately vast space enlightened with a light that the world has never seen before. We saw people dressed in grey, pink and yellow dresses. They were walking, praying and singing”.
”Purgatory is also a vast space, but you can’t see any people there. You can only see darkness, an ash-like greyness.You have a feeling that people are strangling, bumping and hitting”.
”In Hell, there is a big fire in the middle. Our Lady first showed us people in a normal state, and then how they looked like after they exited the fire. The more they were against God, the deeper they sinked into the fire”.
IMPORTANT! To order this book or to place additional queries, please send us your details at web knjizara. The book has been translated into six languages so far.
MEDJUGORJE – 30 anni di fenomeni (italiano)
MEDJUGORJE – 30 ans d’un phénomène (française)
MEĐUGORJE – 30 godina fenomena (hrvatski)
MEDJUGORJE – 30 anos de un prodigio (espanol)
Title: Medjugorje – 30 years of a phenomenon
Author: Marijan Sivric, Ivo Scepanovic
Pages: 104
Published: 2011.
17,00 € (128,09 kn)
39,82 € (300,02 kn)
16,00 € (120,55 kn)
13,00 € (97,95 kn)
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